Mushy Piles of Falafel - Rachel Ellen

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Mushy Piles of Falafel

Last night I went to bed excited to cook the next day, knowing that I'd have a lovely blog post to write.

Today just isn't my cooking day. From the poached egg I accidentally boiled and then dropped on the cooker (the cooker was clean, the egg still tasted ok), I don't know how it happened. To the falafel incident.

I found a recipe in a little vegetarian book I bought (check out my post about a Meat Free February), it looked easy, even for a novice cook like me.

I adjusted the amounts slightly, admittedly, not perfectly, but I really feel like mine shouldn't have looked the way they did.

 I've had falafel before, but this didn't really seem right, I put way too much lime in and they tasted burnt and mushy. And it wouldn't stay stuck together.

Safe to say the mushy pile went in the bin.

If anyone has any good recipes for falafel, please let me know!

Yesterday, I made Carrot and Parsnip soup, check out the blog post I wrote last year about how to make it. Now you can see how terrible I am at cooking, you can see how easy the soup is to make.

Stir fry for tea, even after staring at a full head of broccoli for longer than necessary.

So far, my veggie month is a bit hit and miss, but it is only the second day. Maybe I'll stick to the simpler cooking from now on.

Thanks for reading,

Rachel xx


  1. I was planning on making Falafel, but now I am scared after seeing your attempts!

    1. I think it'd be easier with a different recipe, I feel like it needs a sticking agent! x

  2. Couldn't get worse than my sister, who managed to give five people food poisoning with vegetable soup! How she did it, I do not know haha x //

    1. Oh my gosh, I'm so glad I didn't poison anyone! I thought it was so hard to cause food poisoning without meat. I bet you all laugh about it now though! x

