How I Plan to Save Money - Rachel Ellen

Thursday, 19 May 2016

How I Plan to Save Money

September will bring the start of my Masters course, I'm scared and excited in equal measures. Unfortunately a big part of me being scared is to do with money. Although the government are doing a student loan starting in September (which I have mentioned several times in different posts, sorry if I'm boring you haha!), money is still going to be more than tight for me.

So here are a few ideas for how I plan to save as much money as possible before September.

1. Using up as much of my make up as possible, if we ignore the three NYX products I bought and wrote about (here), I've done quite well at not buying make up recently, no matter how tempted I have been! I'm on the pan for so many products, look at those pictures below if you don't believe me!

 That concealer was about 2 inches long when I started!

2. Eating at home more, far too much of the time I like to eat out either with my boyfriend or friends. Initially just £10 (I like to drink water with my meal so that cuts down on the price) here and there doesn't seem too much but trust me, it eventually adds up! I won't completely get rid of this as it's definitely something I enjoy! But I have already cut down a lot!

3. My next plan was to pass my driving test so I didn't have to pay for another or any more lessons, silly me failed this week! So I'll have to pass next time!

4. Less of this:

Less of this:

and er less of this:

They're just so pretty (not the strongbow) and tasty! Maybe a little bit more of a rare treat than they are now!

5. Be outside more, that the weather is cheering up a bit - a little tiny bit - it's much easier to spend free time outside walking, chilling out and whatever else. In winter you end up spending money so you can go inside places to keep warm! More walking will be better for me in many different ways, not just saving money!

6. Limit clothes buying, admittedly I have been a lot better for this already! I much prefer Autumn/Winter clothes so I usually spend less on clothes at this time of year.

Do you need to start saving money? Do you have any advice on how to do that?

Thanks for reading,

Rachel xx


  1. I definitely need to start saving some money. There's no reason in particular but I have been spending a lot of money recently so that needs to change. I also eat out A LOT which at the time doesn't seem like a lot of money but it does add up! I also need to cut down my Starbucks consumption, because it's getting out of hand! haha x

    Ariadna || RAWR BOWS

    1. I think I eat out a lot as I'm so rubbish at cooking, it's much better than eating at home isn't it! I genuinely think it's a blessing that I don't like coffee, I can imagine that does get so expensive after a while!

  2. I need to start saving money as well, I'm on a spending ban this month and it's going pretty well actually! Using up products is definitely something I'm going to start doing more of x

    1. I definitely need to go on a spending ban! But things always come up and it goes really badly!
      I have so many eyeshadows that I feel if I used them all up before buying any more, I won't have to buy for another 5 years! haha

  3. I think we all can relate when trying to save money. Bottom line is try to use as much of your left over resources as possible. Good post! Thanks for sharing.

    1. We definitely do! I find it awful how wasteful I can be!

  4. Hmm the spending time outside is definitely a good idea - I didn't even think of that. Well I am always out and about but I didn't really think of free activities :)

    1. Apart from the occasional ice cream in summer it does save a lot of money! Unfortunately summer hasn't given very many outside days! x

