Puppies, Puppies, Puppies - Rachel Ellen

Friday, 28 March 2014

Puppies, Puppies, Puppies

Over the last few months I've been really broody, puppy broody that is! (keep your hat on mum!) I've ALWAYS wanted a pet dog but both my mum and brother are allergic to them so I've had to get to 20 with still no dog! I'm counting down the days until I have a little puppy (or twelve) to call my own!

So here are some adorable photos of puppies to bring out your awwwwws and hopefully put a smile on your face.

 (the above picture is still my phone background from November)
Above are all my own photo's from November, my boyfriend's uncle was selling these Border Collie pups so I just had to see them before they got sold. Still haven't got over how adorable and soft they were.

And I have to include my cousin Sharon's new puppy Jarvis who looks like a teddy! I haven't got to meet this little fluffball yet but the pictures are making me so jealous!

How gorgeous?!

This picture is just to die for and from https://twitter.com/CuteExpIosion, this is one of quite a few different pages like this I follow, such a mood booster having your timeline full of little puppy faces, and other cute animals! And not to mention the Instagram pages.

And just to make it harder on my puppy broodiness there are pictures like this:
(Source unknown, I just had it saved on my phone from somewhere)
HOW ADORABLE! AND so many people I know are getting new puppies, one day it will be me, I know it will!
I just can't get enough of all these puppy pictures, sad I know. But I hope it made your day a little bit better seeing these pictures.

Thanks for reading

Rachel xx


  1. Jarvis can't wait to meet auntie Rachel xx

    1. I can't wait to meet him either! So so fluffy! xx

  2. So adorable! I love dogs so much, we've just got a new dog and he is so cute :) XX Hayley-Eszti

    1. I saw your post, he's adorable! So jealous of you! xx

  3. Awww! How adorable!! My dog was five months when we got him, so I never met him as a tiny one. But they sure are adorable all of them! xx


    1. awwww I bet he's still adorable at any age, can't wait to get a dog of my own! xx

