No Make Up Selfie - Rachel Ellen

Saturday, 22 March 2014

No Make Up Selfie

So the Facebook Twitter trend of No Make Up Selfies has brought up a few different opinions. I have to say when I first saw it I was very cynical with the "how is a picture of you going to help" But I quickly realised how much of a good idea it was.

Without the pictures this trend of donating money wouldn't spread as far as it has. So far it has raised over £2 million

But there is another important factor to this campaign in my eyes. How empowering it is to women who feel like they need to wear make up. I haven't seen one bad comment in relation to any "no make up selfies", some people have even said how much they like girls without their make-up. 

I hope this opens anyones eyes to see how incredible this whole thing is, especially if like me you were at first cynical about the whole thing

So text BEAT to 70099 to donate £3 to Cancer research UK and if you're feeling brave post a no make up selfie too

Thanks for reading

Rachel xx


  1. I was nominated to do that this morning and I am so happy I did it even though I wasn't sure about posting a picture of me without make up! xx

    1. It's a daunting thing to do but once you see how kind everyone is about it it's such a confidence boost!

