My Top 5 Apps (at the moment!) - Rachel Ellen

Sunday, 3 April 2016

My Top 5 Apps (at the moment!)


Recently I seem be even more involved with my phone/tablet, more so than on my laptop! (still not to use blogger though, lets not get into the discussions about the blogger app). So I'm starting to realise the apps that I use to most, or maybe not even the most, just my favourites!

1. Instagram - of course! I tell myself all the time that I will post more pictures on it but I spend a lot more time lurking than posting! I just get totally sucked into it, there's so much new to look at everyday! At @racheleiwood if anyone wants to follow me!

2. Snapchat - for most people this is firmly one of their favourites, but most people I know will know I am rubbish with snapchat, I rarely reply or send anything at all! But the filters that have been available lately have been hilarious! Me and my friends are always playing with them when we're out and I always check every day for new ones! Check out these Selfies!

Is there anybody who hasn't tried the faceswap yet? Hours of fun involved!

3. Stylicious - An app that I've used for a while. It's an online wardrobe, you put all your clothes into the database so it makes planning outfits so much easier. I still haven't put everything onto it, it is very time consuming. I do think it looks miles better when you can get the website picture of the item rather than you taking it yourself. Some older clothes this is impossible with. As you can see I have a combination on mine.

4. VSCO - A picture editing app, I saw a lot of bloggers mention it, and for a free app it is really simple and effective to use. My only problem is that it doesn't have an option to make your pictures into squares because for a good insta pic, sometimes that's needed! As you can see, lots of pictures edited of my little baby niece that were so dark beforehand!

5. CamScanner - This is a free app that allows you to take pictures of documents and it brightens and flattens the image. I can't recommend this enough for uni I was so glad this was introduced to me! I have used it out of uni as well to scan documents for application forms. Such a handy app!

What apps do you use on a regular basis? Or that you don't use very regularly but would recommend? 

Thanks for reading,

Rachel xx

PS. All views are my own, not a sponsored post, however if anybody would like to sponsor my for anything I'm very happy to!

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