Audacious Audrey - Rachel Ellen

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Audacious Audrey


Last week I had a bit of a naughty spend but god was it worth it! This is a post totally dedicated to an expensive lipstick, so I'm completely not offended if you non-lipstick-lovers headed off now!

I'm sure we've all heard of NARS by now (if not, it's a make-up brand sold in Selfridges - and maybe other places I don't know! - with similar prices to MAC - if you haven't heard of MAC start googling)

There was a colour I have been after for ages now, I still haven't matched it completely but for now it's the closest I could find and it's so pretty.

The Lipstick is called Audrey (try and think Audrey Hepburn rather than Audrey off Corrie) and it is in the Audacious range and it was a whopping £24.

I know what we're all thinking "£24 on a lipstick! I'm sure you could have found a cheaper one!" but no, this colour seems non-existent in every other brand, they're all very purpley! But look at the detailing on it, it was a bit neater at the top but silly me didn't take pictures before using it. They packaging is metal and the lid is magnetic, no more messy handbag problems!

And here it is after a little bit of wear to show that the colour does go quite matte, it just takes a bit longer. Because of that it's quite nice to put on, I find Mac Matte lipsticks drag my lips because they are so dry yet this one doesn't.

Thanks for reading, let me know if you've ever had a NARS lipstick before and what you think? Or if you think you'll go and have a look at them now!

Rachel xx

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