My 2015 - Rachel Ellen

Thursday, 7 January 2016

My 2015

1 week into 2016 feels like the right time to look at my highlights of 2015. Hopefully this will be enjoyable for readers, but this will be fun for me to do and to look back on.

2015 was my year of a bob, all the celebs caught up with me after this (Not really, Tay Swift was before me but I beat Kim K!) The easiest hair style in the world, dries in about 2 minutes and easy to style. My silly fast growing hair means that I now have long hair again 1 year later. For now I'll keep it long as I've just got curling devices for Christmas!

 2015 was the year I finally dressed up as Velma, as someone who has worn glasses since 4 years old there isn't many people you can dress up as who wear them. Admittedly I wore my contacts and some fake glasses, my real ones are far too expensive and important for someone to run off with shouting "JINKIES I lost my glasses"

 2015 was the year of this nail varnish, Rimmel's Mind the Gap Victoria. So many compliments, I'm super sad it ran out but I'm currently on amazon debating buying another one (or 6)

(sorry for the quality of the picture, it was cropped from a ridiculous picture!

2015 was the year I completed university, this picture below was accompanied by the caption "Riding my whale out of uni". Could you tell I'd just finished my last ever essay?

2015 was the year I had my grad ball, in the cheapest dress ever, and I think it more than fits the job for £6! The shoes cost me 6 times more *hands over eyes monkey emoji*

2015 was the year that myself and family spent a week travelling around the south east of the country and back in the direction of home, covering several countys including Norfolk, Suffolk, Northamptonshire, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Derbyshire and South Yorkshire and probably bobbed in and out of a few others. Such an unusual experience but nice to see so much of my own country before spending much time seeing the world!
 On the Norfolk Broads
 Arcades in Great Yarmouth ps. miss my shoes, can't wait for it to be warm enough to wear them again
 Wonky church spire in Chesterfield
Favourite picture of me with the fishes!

2015 was the year I started going to the gym, only with family, and clearly not very seriously as shown by the picture below. I finally lost that uni podge (nearly a stone in weight) but have now put half of it back on and renamed it Christmas podge, next will be easter podge.

2015 was the year that Andrew and myself went to Madird in November and were walking around in shorts/t-shirts (well that was Andrew I still had my tights on!) and all the locals had their winter coats and scarves and things - it was 15 degrees!!

Enormous frozen yogurt, this was Andrew's, I was boring and went for the fruity ones 

 We hired a rowing boat together in the park, so cute!

2015 was the year I graduated from university (yes in November, yes it was freezing, yes there was snow on the day but not until we were back home!)

The bottom picture is the fantastic artwork of my lovely friend who is on the right hand side of the picture, best picture of the year in my opinion!

Thanks for reading guys, hope your 2015 was amazing and your 2016 even better!

Rachel xx


  1. I love yearly review posts like this! Your short hair looks absolutely lovely! Congratulations on your graduation!
    I'm following you on Bloglovin now :)
    Becky; xxx

    1. Oh thank you, that's all so lovely! My short hair was a dream to deal with but I can never resist when it's longer and there's so much more to play with!

