Summer Sun - Rachel Ellen

Tuesday, 22 July 2014

Summer Sun

Everybody always complains about an English summer, but as far as they go this year has been almost tropical - including the torrential downpours. Nothing makes you notice the sun more than being in a hot sticky office full of computers and people for 8 hours a day 5 days a week. If anyone has any ideas for cool, office wear I'd be happy to hear them!

Instead I'll post a selection of the outside time I've had this week, and a homemade (by mum) knickerbocker glory (how cute are the wafers!)

I think this picture is adorable of my niece feeding the ducks and its so unfair how brown she is.

I also got a new phone this weekend and the first pictures I took were of these swans - all I seem to do is take pictures of them! 

A boring post again, I know they're becoming all too common, work has been so time consuming and energy draining. 

I'm due to start my third year of uni in September (scary) and need to start my dissertation prep, Hopefully this little note book will have loads of useful information by September (well maybe a page or two)

And if not, the thought was there right?

Thanks for reading

Rachel xx

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