As usual I went home for Easter with the eagerness and optimism of a young school girl "I'll get so much done over Easter, I'll concentrate more at home, I'll have everything handed in early" But predictably, two weeks later I had done nothing and panic set in. Anyone who knows me knows how much I've been stressing, but I still managed an impromptu trip to York last Friday night. Unfortunately it wasn't a cultural trip so I don't have pictures of any of the beautiful things there. I decided on the train back that's when I would take some pictures, which are mostly window reflection!
I don't claim to be a good photographer, especially after 3 hours sleep!
Other than that my life has consisted of 50% uni work, 40% sleep and the last 10% is probably eating! This is my list of things I need to do, which does have a lot of things crossed out (makes me feel slightly better)
Yes they are all colour coded to the module, and yes, one is completely ticked off!! (only 4 more to go)
Good luck to anyone else with "dead"lines
thanks for reading
Rachel xx
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